Brooklyn loved stepping on the leaves and hearing them crunch.

Karson had fun climbing on everything and showing his puppies "Web" and "ChiChi" everything too.

Cascade Springs has tons of paths to walk on that take you through the springs. Its so beautiful up there.
It's funny because Karson always wanted me to carry him but Brooklyn would throw a fit if I wouldn't let her walk. You think it would be the other way around.

Karson getting a ride on his dads shoulders and "Web" getting a shoulder ride from Karson. Karson will ask every Sunday if we are going up the canyon after church! Brooklyn exploring through the trees. This little girl has no fear. She wanted to get into the water all day long. She had sooo much fun exploring! Both kids love the canyon and it's a great way to wear them out!

SO BIG!!!!!
I love this picture...it just shows you how much fun she was having.